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Troubleshooting manageable by the client

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1.1 The device does not turn on

The touchscreen display does not light up, it remains disactivated.

Make sure the cable is properly plugged into the machine and into the power outlet.

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3.1 Inside the cooling circuit there are air bubbles that do not allow the liquid to circulate properly.

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2.1 The touchscreen display appears to be on.

There is no response when typing or selecting commands.

Turn the device off and wait for two minutes. Then turn it back on.

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3.2 There is not enough liquid inside the cooling circuit.

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1.2 The device does not turn on.

The touchscreen display does not light up, it remains disactivated.

Make sure the power outlet is working properly by connecting another electronic device

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1.3 The device does not turn on.

The touchscreen display does not light up, it remains disactivated.

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1.4 The device does not turn on.

The touchscreen display does not light up, it remains disactivated.

Check the integrity of the fuses with the machine disconnected from the power supply. Open the special compartment located near the power socket. Carefully check that the fuse is not blown or that the wire inside is not broken.

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2.2 The touchscreen display appears to be on.

There is no response when typing or selecting commands.

Make sure there is no external pressure on the display monitor.

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4.1 Handpiece Recognition Error

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Flow Alarm

Troubleshooting manageable by the client

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Diode Handpiece 1200/2800/4000

Troubleshooting manageable by the client

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4.2 Check optical alarm and insert it.

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5.1 When the button / pedal is pressed, the handpiece does not emit a flash

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5.2 Check operability

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5.3 Check the pulse counter

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6.2 Check the hydraulic system.

Check the hydraulic system. The presence of air in the system could affect the efficiency of the cooling system. Carry out the Fill and Vent procedure

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6.1 The diode goes repeatedly into OVEARHEAT

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6.3 Reduce the pulse emission frequency.

It is possible, especially in prolonged sessions, that there is no need to reduce the pulse emission frequency. Reduce from display to 5Hz.

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7.1 Optics efficiency. Sapphire is not perfectly transparent

An initial condensation that could condense the sapphire tip is a normal condition. However, the emission window must be cleaned constantly, even during treatment, using a soft gauze soaked in an alcohol and water solution.

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8.1 Presumed reduction of energy during emission.

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